Discover how creativity and coaching can help you clarify what’s important to you and craft a new course for your life. The Unfolding Your Life Vision Kit gives you all the inspiration you need to build your own portable vision board. Your unique collage book will be a pocket-sized personal affirmation of your values, goals and dreams.
The Unfolding Your Life Vision Kit was created by certified life coach Jennifer Lee of Artizen Coaching. A long-time fan of collage, book arts and personal growth, Jennifer combined these passions when she invented her first unfolding vision book for a creative visioning exercise during her coach training. She loved that she could pop her vision book in her purse or pocket on-the-go. And, more importantly, she was amazed at how many of her dreams manifested. Within six months, she and her husband bought their first home (which met all the criteria written in her vision book!). She also started to grow her business and eventually took the leap from Corporate America into the world of entrepreneurship. And so much more!
Jennifer has led Unfolding Your Life Vision workshops in the Bay Area and Chicago to help others craft their visions. Wanting to spread this fun approach to more people, she packaged the process and has shipped kits across the U.S. and internationally to places including the U.K., Germany, The Netherlands, Israel, Dubai, Canada, Mexico and Australia.
Future plans include affiliate and licensing programs, so stay tuned for updates.